PARTS and SCHEDULES of Indian Constitution

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6th November 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India, which came into effect from 26th January 1950. We celebrate ‘Samvidhan Divas’ on 26 November every year, to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India.

The First ever Republic Day parade was performed at Irwin Amphitheatre on 26 January 1950 . Sukarno [ The President of Indonesia ] was the first Chief Guest on the very first Republic Day parade of India .

Initially , Indian Constitution had 395 Articles , 22 Parts and 8 Schedules and 80,000 words [ Approx ]. At Present , Indian Constitution has 448 Articles , 25 Parts and 12 Schedules

It took around 2 years , 11 months and 18 days to complete the Constitution

Parts Subject Articles
Part IThe Union and its territory Art [ 1 – 4 ]
Part IICitizenship Art [ 5 – 11 ]
Part IIIFundamental Rights Art [ 12 – 35 ]
Part IV Directive Principles of State PolicyArt [ 36 – 51 ]
Part IV AFundamental Duties Art 51 A
Part VThe UnionArt [ 52 – 151 ]
Part VIThe StatesArt [ 152 – 237 ]
Part VIIThe States in Part B of the First Schedule [ Repealed by 7th Amendment , 1956 ]Art 238 [ Repealed ]
Part VIIIThe Union TerritoriesArt [ 239 – 242 ]
Part IXThe PanchayatsArt [ 243 -243O ]
Part IX AThe Muncipalities Art [ 243P – 243ZP ]
Part IX BCo-operative SocietiesArt [ 243H – 243ZT ]
Part XThe Schedule and Tribal Areas Art [ 244 -244A ]
Part XIRelation between the Union and the StatesArt [ 245 – 263 ]
Part XIIFinance , Property  , Contracts and SuitsArt [ 264 – 300A ]
Part XIIITrade and Commerce within the territory of IndiaArt [ 301- 307 ]
Part XIVService under the Union and the States Art [ 308 – 323 ]
Part XIV ATribunalsArt [ 323 – 323B ]
Part XVElectionsArt [ 324 – 329A ]
Part XVISpecial Provisions related to certain classesArt [ 330 – 342 ]
Part XVIIOfficial LanguageArt [ 343 – 351 ]
Part XVIII Emergency ProvisionsArt [ 352 – 360 ]
Part XIXMiscellaneousArt [ 361 – 367 ]
Part XXAmendment Art 368
Part XXITemporary ,Transitional and Special ProvisionsArt [ 369 – 392 ]
Part XXIIShort title , Commencement ,, Authoritative text in Hindu and repealsArt [ 393-395 ]

List of 12 Schedules of Indian Constitution

First Schedule Name of the States and Union Territories 
Second Schedule Salaries and Allowances
Third Schedule Forms of Oaths or Affirmations
Fourth Schedule Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha
Fifth Schedule Administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes
Sixth Schedule Administration of tribal areas in the states of Assam , Meghalaya , Tripura and Mizoram
Seventh Schedule  The Union List , The State List and The Concurrent List
Eight Schedule 22 Languages  recognised by the Constitution
Ninth Schedule It deals with the state Acts and Regulations with land reforms
Tenth Schedule Provisions relating to disqualification of the members of Parliament and State Legislature on the ground of defection.

This schedule was added by the 52nd Amendment Act of 1985 , also known as Anti-Defection Law
Eleventh Schedule Powers , authority and responsibilities of Panchayats.
It has 29 matters.

This schedule was added by the 73 Amendment Act of 1992
Twelfth Schedule Powers , authority and responsibilities of Muncipalities .
It has 18 matters

This schedule was added by the 74th Amendment Act of 1992

Q How many member were there in the drafting committee of Indian Constitution ?

1 7

2 8

3 8

4 10

On 29 August , 1947 , the Constituent Assembly set up Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr BR Ambedkar to prepare a Draft Constitution for India . The Drafting Committee has seven members

Q How many committees were set up by the Constituent Assembly for framing the

1 20

2 22

3 24

4 26

Q As of December 1947, the Constituent Assembly that wrote the Constitution of India
had _ members.

1 299 members

2 399 members

3 199 members

4 99 members

Q How many women representatives did the Constituent Assembly have?

1 15

2 17

3 19

4 21

Q Who was the Secretary of the Constituent Assembly?

1 HVR Iyengar

2 BN Rau

3 Prem Behari Narain Raizada

4 SN Mukherjee

Q From which of the following countries did India adopt the ‘procedure established by
the law’

1 The US

2 Brazil

3 Sri Lanka

4 Japan

Q The members of the Constituent Assembly signed the Constitution of India on __.

1 24 January 1950

2 26 November 1948

3 26 November 1949

4 24 January 1952

On 24 January 1950 ‘Constitution of India’ [ with 395 articles . 8 schedules and 22 parts ] was signed and accepted by all

Q How many fundamental rights and fundamental duties are prescribed in the
Constitution of India?

1 Seven and eleven, respectively

2 Seven and ten, respectively

3 Six and eleven, respectively

4 Eight and ten, respectively

Q When the first NO-CONFIDENCE motion moved against the cabinet in independent India ?

1 August 1963

2 July 1964

3 March 1966

4 November 1968

The first No-Confidence motion was moved during the third Lok Sabha in 1963 when Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister. It was moved by minister Acharya JB Kriplani

Q Who was the temporary president of the Constituent Assembly?

1 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2 Dr Rajendra Prasad

3 Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha

4 KM Munshi

Q Which of the following schedules was added to the Constitution by the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951?

1. Tenth

2 Seventh

3 Eighth

4 Ninth

Q Which of the following schedules of the Constitution of India contains the format of oaths to be taken by different constitutional functionaries?

1 4th Schedule

2 5th Schedule

3 3rd Schedule

4 2nd Schedule

Q Which schedule of the Constitution of India deals with the allocation of seats in the
Council of States?

1. Eighth

2 Fourth

3 Sixth

4 Fifth

Q Who described the preamble of Indian Constitution as the ‘Political horoscope of the Indian Constitution’?

1. NA Palkhiwala

2 Kanhaiyalal Maniklal Munshi

3 Thakurdas Bhargav

4 Bhimrao Ramji Ambedka

The preamble indicates that the source of constitution is ”we the people of India”. It has been also called ‘Political Horoscope of Indian Constitution’ [ by KM Munshi ] , Soul of the Constitution [ by Thakurdas Bhargav ] and identity card of the constitution [ by NA Palkhiwala ]

Q Who said that the preamble of Indian Constitution is ”the key note of the constitution” ?

1 Ernest Baker

2 KM Munshi

3 Thakurdas Bhargav

4 NA Palkhiwala

Q The idea of ‘Preamble’ in Indian Constitution is borrowed from which country ?


2 Australia

3 Japan

4 Canada

Q The language and ideals of the Preamble is borrowed from which country ?

1 Australia

2 Japan

3 Ireland

4 Canada

Q Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten copy of IndianConstitution ?

1 Nandalal Bose

1 Prem Behari Narain Raizada

3 BN Rau

4 SN Mukherjee

Q The original Constitution of India was handwritten by ___

1 Prem Behari Narain Raizada

2 BN Rau

3 Nandalal Bose

4 SN Mukherjee

Q Which Hockey player was the member of the Constituent Assembly ?

Jaipal Singh Munda

2 Dhyan Chand

3 Kishan Lal

4 Balbir Singh

Q Who among the following was the Deputy Speaker of the first Lok Sabha?

1. AK Gopalan

2 M Ananthasayanam Ayyangar

3 MN Kaul

4 Rabi Ray

First Speaker of Lok Sabha Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
First Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha M Ananthasayanam Ayyangar
First Dalit Speaker of Lok Sabha Ganti Mohana Chandra Balayogi
First Tribal Speaker of Lok Sabha PA Sangma
First woman Speaker of Lok Sabha Meira Kumar

Q When were elections to the Constituent Assembly held ?

1 July 1946

2 August 1945

3 November 1946

4 4 January 1945

Q Who among the following was the president of the Constituent Assembly?

1 Dr. Rajendra Prasad

2 Jagjivan Ram

3 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

4 Jawaharlal Nehru

Q In which year did Motilal Nehru chair the committee to prepare the Constitution of

1 1944

2 1928

3 1934

4 1939

Q Who among the following was replaced by Lord Mountbatten as the Viceroy in 1947?

1. Lord Reading

2 Lord Irwin

3 Lord Wavell

4 Lord Linlithgow

Q Who among the following was one of the Congress leaders who drafted a Constitution
for India in 1928?

1 Motilal Nehru

2 Jaipal Singh

3 Somnath Lahiri

4 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

Q In the context of Interim Government [ 1946 ] , who was holding the portfolio of ‘Home Affairs Information and Broadcasting ?

1 Liaquat Ali Khan

2 Vallabhbhai Patel

3 Agriculture and Food

4 Baldev Singh

Members of Interim Government [ 1946 ]

President of the Executive Council Viscount Wavell [ till February 1947 ]

Lord Mountbatten [ From February 1947 —
Commander-in-Chief Sir Claude Auchinleck
Vice-President of the Executive Council , External Affairs and Commonwealth relationsJawaharlal Nehru
Home Affairs Information and Broadcasting Sardar Vallabhai Patel
Agriculture and FoodRajendra Prasad
Commerce Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar [ Muslim League ]
Defence Baldev Singh
Finance Liaquat Ali Khan [ Muslim League ]
Education and Arts C Rajagopalachari
Health Ghazanfar Ali Khan [ Muslim League ]
LabourJagjivan Ram
Law Jogendra Nath Mandal [ Muslim League ]
Railways and Communications Post and Air Abdur Rab Nishtar
Work , Mines and Power CH Bhabha

Q The Constituent Assembly which had been elected for the framing of the Constitution held its first meeting on:

1. 9 December 1947

2 9 December 1946

3 15 August 1947

4 15 December 1947

Q Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?

1. Part 4

2 Part 2

3 Part 3

4 Part 5

Q Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts of the Indian Constitution
facilitated the appointment of the same person as governor for two or more states?

1 7th

2 5th

3 8th

4 10th

Q The Preamble of the Constitution of India was amended by the __ Amendment

1. 36th

2 103rd

3 61st

4 42nd

Q Which of the following is NOT a fundamental right under the 44th Amendment Act,
of Indian constitution?

1 Right to property

2 Right to equality

3 Right against exploitation

4 Right to religion

Q. The ‘Single citizenship’ feature of the Constitution of India is borrowed from the
Constitution of:

1. Ireland

2 Australia

3 France

4 Britain

Q Who among the following moved the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ in the Constituent
Assembly of India?

1. KM Munshi

2 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

3 Rajendra Prasad

4 Jawaharlal Nehru

The ‘Objective Resolution’ moved by Jawaharlal Nehru in the first session of the Constituent Assembly on 13 December 1946 . The Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22nd January 1947

Q Who among the following was elected as the Permanent Chairman of the Constituent
Assembly in 1946?

1. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

2 Dr. Rajendra Prasad

3 Jawahar Lal Nehru

4 Lal Bahadur Shastri

Q According to the Constitution , the use of English for official purposes was to stop in which year ?

1 1965

2 1956

3 1972

4 1948

Q On which day the Constituent Assembly of India had adopted Hindi, written in Devanagari script as one of the official languages of the Republic of India?

1 15th August

2 16th October

3 14th September

4 2nd October

Q Who among the following was one of the speakers after Jawaharlal Nehru to address the Parliament on the midnight of 15 August 1947?

1. Rajendra Prasad

2 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

3 C Rajagopalachari

4 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Q How many sessions of the Constituent Assembly were conducted for the formulation of Indian Constitution ?

1 12

2 11

3 13

4 10

Q Fifth Session of the Constituent Assembly held in :

1 9-23 December , 1946

2 20-25 January , 1947

3 14-30 August , 1947

4 6-17 October , 1949

First Session:9-23 December, 1946
Second Session:20-25 January, 1947
Third Session:28 April – 2 May, 1947
Fourth Session:14-31 July, 1947
Fifth Session:14-30 August, 1947
Sixth Session:27 January, 1948
Seventh Session:4 November,1948 – 8 January, 1949
Eighth Session:16 May – 16 June, 1949
Ninth Session:30 July – 18 September, 1949
Tenth Session:6-17 October, 1949
Eleventh Session:14-26 November, 1949

Q As per the order issued by the Delimitation Commission in 2008, __ seats are reserved
for Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha.


2 84

3 47

4 69

As per the order issued by the Delimitation Commission in 2008, 84 seats are reserved
for Scheduled Castes and 47 seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha.

Q Who among the following is India’s first Minister of Industry and Supply?

1 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

2 Chakravarti Rajagopalachari

3 Abul Kalam Azad

4 Jagjivan Ram

Q Sikkim became an Indian state in the year :

1 1970

2 1974

3 1975

4 1972

Q Who was the President of India when Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as Prime Minister?

1. Shankar Dayal Sharma

2 N Sanjiva Reddy

3 R Venkataraman

4 Giani Zail Singh

Q On the night of __ 1975, Indira Gandhi recommended the imposition of Emergency to
president Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.

1. 1st June

2 22nd May

3 25th June

4 1st July

Q. As of 30th June 2024, the Preamble to the Indian Constitution was amended __.

1. twice

2 five times

2 once

4 thrice

Q In 1946, who among the following was made the interim president of the Indian Constituent Assembly?

1. Sarojini Naidu

2 Sachchidananda Sinha

3 S Subramaniya Iyer

4 Sachindranath Sanyal

Q The Constitution of India was amended for the first time in which year ?

1 1951

2 1954

3 1961

4 1960

Q Which of the following subjects is covered in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution of India?

1. Major forest produce

2 Health and sanitation

2 Large scale industries

4 Police and public order

The eleventh schedule of the constitution created by the 73rd Amendment contains 29 subjects on which the Panchayats shall have administrative control

Q The National Anthem of India, ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was first sung at the __ Session of the
Indian National Congress.

1 Calcutta

2 Lahore

2 Belgaum

4 Tripuri

Q. __ was elected as President of the Indian National Congress in December 1929 at
its annual session in the city of Lahore.

1 Jawaharlal Nehru

2 Lal Bahadur Shastri

3 Subhas Chandra Bose

4 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Q Of the 552 members of the Lok Sabha, __ members represent the states.


2 530

3 520

4 540

Q The abolition of Dyarchy in the provinces was recommended by the __.

1. Government of India Act of 1947

2 Government of India Act of 1858

3 Government of India Act of 1919

4 Government of India Act of 1935

Q Which of the following states came into being as the 23rd, 24th and 25th states of the
Indian Union in 1987?

1. Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh

2 Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan

3 Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya

4 Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa

Q As per the Constitution of India, the National Capital Territory of Delhi shall have a Council of Ministers consisting of not more than __ of the total number of members in the
Legislative Assembly.

1. 0.20

2 0.5

3 0.1

4 0.15

Q Which amendment of the Constitution of India increased the elective strength of the
Lok Sabha from 525 to 545 members

1 31st

2 37th

3 50th

4 45th

Q Seventy Fourth Amendment Act, 1992 of the Constitution of India is related to:

1. municipalities

2 citizenship

3 emergency provisions

4 the fundamental duties

Q The 73rd Amendment Act of 1992 gave constitutional recognition to the panchayats by
adding a new part ________to the constitution.

1. X

2 XI


4 IX

Q Which Amendment Act of the Constitution of India requires a State to minimise
inequalities in income, status, facilities and opportunities as a Directive Principle of
State Policy?


2 42nd

3 44th

4 52nd

Q Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India directs the state to promote
international peace and security

1. Article 48

2 Article 40

3 Article 50

4 Article 51

Q As of December 1947, the Constituent Assembly that wrote the Constitution of India
had _ members.

1. 230

2 275

3 245

4 299

Q In which part of the Constitution of India is the manner of election of the President

1. Part VI

2 Part IV

3 Part VII

4 Part V

Q Bicameralism was borrowed into the Constitution of India from which country?

1 The UK

2 Australia

3 Ireland

4 The US

Q Which Constitutional Amendment gave constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj

1. 92ndAmendment Act, 2003

2 86th Amendment Act, 2002

3 73rd Amendment Act, 1992

4 71st Amendment Act, 1992

Q Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution of India in the year

1 1967

2 1983

3 1976

4 1951

Q The procedure for the nomination of members to the Rajya Sabha in the Constitution
of India is borrowed from which of the following countries’ constitution?

1 Russia

2 Germany

3 The US

4 Ireland

Q The Constitution of India adopted many institutional details and procedures from the:

1. Indian Partnership Act, 1932

2 Indian Companies Act, 1930

3 Government of India Act, 1935

4 Indian Registration Act, 1930

Q. In the Constituent Assembly of India, who among the following was the Chairperson of the Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee?

1. JB Kripalani

2 KM Munshi

3 Abul Kalam Azad

4 Vallabhbhai Patel

Name of the Committee Chairman
Committee on the Rules of ProcedureRajendra Prasad
Steering CommitteeRajendra Prasad
Finance and Staff CommitteeRajendra Prasad
Credential CommitteeAlladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
House CommitteeB. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
Order of Business CommitteeK.M. Munsi
Ad hoc Committee on the National FlagRajendra Prasad
Committee on the Functions of the Constituent AssemblyG.V. Mavalankar
States CommitteeJawaharlal Nehru
Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, Minorities and Tribal and Excluded AreasVallabhbhai Patel
Minorities Sub-CommitteeH.C. Mookherjee
Fundamental Rights Sub-CommitteeJ.B. Kripalani
North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Exluded & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-CommitteeGopinath Bardoloi
Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than those in Assam) Sub-CommitteeA.V. Thakkar
Union Powers CommitteeJawaharlal Nehru
Union Constitution CommitteeJawaharlal Nehru
Drafting CommitteeB.R. Ambedkar

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